A kids perspective on their social sphere. Feeling included is such a big part of a kid’s life. Their social […]
Your Social Fitness Is Just As Important As Your Physical & Mental Fitness
The 7 Friends Theory suggests we have 7 types of friends in our lives. To thrive in an isolating world, it’s critical to have varying degrees of connections.
With friendships lasting an average of 7 years, do your children have the foundation to manage this change? Focus on HIPS: Honesty - Individual Growth - Positivity - Seasonal
Does music have a profound impact on your everyday life? The power of music over our bodies, minds and souls […]
As parents, encourage your kids start a new business. If your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, encourage them to follow through with their idea.
International Women’s Day: Great Resource To Share With Your Children Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating […]
My daughter started playing soccer at the YMCA a few years ago. It’s been fun watching her develop her skills […]