Love This 3D Pen: Creative & Mentally Soothing!
One of the coolest gifts we got our daughter for Christmas… oops, I mean, Santa got her for Christmas, was this 3D pen. Not only has this expanded her creative side, but it’s also been a soothing mental mechanism. Decompression through art.

My daughter kept telling us that she really wanted this pen and I automatically assumed it was outrageously expensive. After she wrote a letter to Santa asking for one, I thought I should do my due diligence and check it out.
I was surprised to find how affordable 3D pens are, ranging between $29 and $89 on Amazon. I didn’t want to spend too much, not knowing how they actually work and worried that she may not use it after one try. So, I settled on this MYNT3D Super 3D Pen which costs $39.99.
I do have a child who loves to create. Over the last few months, she spent time building her “world” on Mine Craft. Once she learned how to use the pen, she said she was going to bring her Mine Craft world to life. This allowed her to put down the iPad and work on a similar concept with this pen.
Setting up the 3D pen is pretty easy to do. The back of the pen does get quite hot, so if a child is using this, either supervise them or make sure they are capable and responsible enough to use it alone.
The pen uses multicolor plastic filaments. The kit does include a variety of colors but we went through those quickly and already ordered refills!
My daughter has loved using the 3D pen to make Valentine hearts, an evil eye necklace for me and 3D animals. It’s her imagination come to life!
I highly recommend this as a gift for all ages, art lovers and even those who don’t think they are creative. This pen can bring out the creative side your kids may not know they have yet.

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