Does music have a profound impact on your everyday life?  The power of music over our bodies, minds and souls […]
As parents, encourage your kids start a new business. If your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, encourage them to follow through with their idea.
Kids Should Be Journaling Too! Journaling is an effective way for not only adults, but for kids to organize, evaluate […]
The 5 Spheres Helps Me Be The Best Girl Dad I Can Be By Noel Scott Being a girl dad […]
International Women’s Day: Great Resource To Share With Your Children Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating […]
Sugar Belly! Experiment Showing Your Kids The Affects Of Sugar In Their Guts This was a fun and educational experiment […]
Love This 3D Pen: Creative & Mentally Soothing! One of the coolest gifts we got our daughter for Christmas… oops, […]
Crosby ISD in Crosby, Texas is the 43rd school district in the state to approve a four-day school week. What are your thoughts on a shortened school week? Click to find out what studies say.
Lucky Girl Syndrome: Delusional or Scientifically Proven?  The concept of positive thinking has been introduced, marketed and monetized generation over […]
Soccer MOMster blog
My daughter started playing soccer at the YMCA a few years ago.  It’s been fun watching her develop her skills […]
I said “beautiful” not “skinny”. We were at my parents house and my daughter, Nyeema, was getting her third snack […]
Why My Nine-Year Old Got Her First Credit Card Raise your hand (right now, go ahead and raise it) if […]
Raising a holistically fit child in this world… We love them like no other.  They drive us crazy. In a […]